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The Winterizer:
Natural COVID19 & Flu Prevention
Kill Coronavirus On Contact
All-Natural REAL Disinfecting Recipes
Spray & Vegetable Wash
Instant Chill-Out Techniques
ClassicFetish™ Resources
The Winterizer 2020 ~ COVID19 + Flu Edition
Every year, I remind the people on My Mailing Lists to prepare for the cold and cold & flu season with a natural preventive that is centuries (perhaps, even millennia) old.
The Winterizer is one of those “old wives’ remedies” that works wonders. Before I began doing this treatment EVERY October, I suffered with 2-3 really bad colds and a few mini-annoyances per year, EVERY year. IMMEDIATELY, the very first year that I “Winterized,” I did not suffer with wretched colds and was able to prevent a cold from coming on before it got me! Now, I barely get a sniffle during the entire winter!
I swear by this NATURAL treatment and highly encourage you to . (I have also given this remedy to My pets — definitely check with your veterinarian to make sure that your pets can safely ingest this mixture.)
My COVID19 Self-Health Treatments: Kill Coronavirus On Contact Naturally
WEAR A MASK in public places, including hallways; elevators; and laundry rooms. And wash your hands.
If you have a problem with that, may you soon have a reason to take this pandemic seriously and evolve your responsibility.
- Think about what I just said and how I said it.
Giving Goddess that I Am, I have prepared a summary of well-researched information for COVID19 safety with recipes to kill coronavirus on contact naturally ~ click below for instant access.
- Included in My document are links to sources of this information and more so you can do the research for yourself… And you know who you are who will need to do that.
- You can read this document online and download it — all links are active in both documents and I have included links with good deals to purchase ingredients. Hurry! ‘Tis the season that folks stock up on winter remedies.
An update to this research is included in info and include:
- nutritional supplement recommendations and the importance of Vitamins A, C & D particularly during COVID19; and
- a free ebooklet to naturally boost your immune system by Cynthia Li, MD.
Whatever you do, don’t be — or continue to be — a “covidiot.”
Instant Chill-Out Techniques
Especially during this COVID19 extended period of angst and this abominable election, everyone needs to CALM DOWN and stay calm.
Self-Control is the ONLY control there is. EVERYTHING is a choice; We usually choose the lesser suffering… or so We think. The bottom line is: You are either in control of Your own destiny or You are controlled by how you give your power away.
The BEST way to discipline yourself to maintain personal responsibility is without drugs, alcohol, or other substances to rely on. It’s difficult with Big Pharma’s mind control-drug dealers in charge of health and well-being information and access. However, YOU DO HAVE THE POWER to take your health and well-being into your own hands — literally!
I offer this technique that has scientific backup, as well as My personal experience to attest to how well it can work if you work it.
Tapping interrupts psycho-kinetic patterns (conscious/subconscious-physical) that create chemical responses in Our bodies which We interpret as stress, fear, panic, confusion, depression, etc. The technique then permits you to re-pattern your response by identifying and acknowledging your process that triggers the negative responses. With practice and choice, you can trigger positive chemistry, emotions, and responses.
Best of all:
- you can learn Tapping in under 4 minutes;
- you can enjoy free, Tapping scripts and meditations; and
- anyone, any age can do it!
Imagine if better parents taught their children to be in charge of their emotions instead of being allowed to act out… Imagine how much better your life would have been if you had that control when you were a kid?
Have the control now. Click here and chill out naturally.
ClassicFetish™ Resources
10 Domina101™ Tips Video
If you haven’t seen it yet, watch this little video with My 10 Domina101™ Tips. For more detailed info, READ HERE.
Currently on Ask Mss Didi*
COVID19 & “The Winterizer” Natural Cold & Flu Prevention
New research to boost your immune system against COVID19 & the flu…”The Winterizer” is one of those “old wives’ remedies” that works wonders. I swear by this treatment and highly encourage you to give yourself this gift.
COVID-19 Self-Health Treatments – Kill Coronavirus On Contact
Because I care, I share. I have done quite a bit of research to protect Myself and the “covidiots” I have to deal with during this COVID19 plague. DOWNLOAD natural, disinfecting recipes including a moisturizing, hand-sanitizer and a vegetable wash with a key ingredient used in hospitals for pre-surgery scrubs.
Tips on how to get over being your own worst enemy by focusing on what coulda-shoulda-woulda been.
Tips and Tools to include in your Play Bag for the safest and most excellent Play!
PAY ATTENTION! submissive Tip is a demonstration for the serious submissive to pay careful attention to instructions to make a good impression to actually have what you want. I highly encourage Dominants and submissives alike to view the ridiculous mistakes that a “wanna-sub” made which could — and should — have easily been avoided.
Enjoy a FREE section of The Superior submissive™ Webcam Workshop to alleviate a LOT of stress all the way around. Read How-To Tips for submissives: First Contact and remember that Presentation is EVERYTHING.
I recommend that you also check out The Difference Between Fetish and kink. Refer the people you encounter to this article and use these keys for ease in your Fetish experience. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
The Contents page of has summaries of the articles for more comprehensive reading. Take advantage of My Gifts of Domain Maintenance Training Techniques for BetterFetish™!
Or take a Webcam Workshop for a condensed version of My Techniques that can be found on
Anti-Stalker Resource
I was contacted by a lovely person from CallerSmart who offered some most-excellent resources to add to My article, “How To Stop A Stalker.” CallerSmart provides an excellent resource on cyberstalking and what to do if you are a victim, along with a very, cool app that helps you identify mystery callers and block those you don’t want to hear from ever again. Definitely, check it out!
If you have not already done so, PLEASE take a moment to join My Mailing List here. You can also subscribe by RSS feed — see sidebar.
ClassicFetish™ Resources
See articles at the bottom of this post.
- My Advice Column ~ Ask Mss Didi*
- My Complimentary eBook: How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress
- My Videos
- My GoddessGlide™ ~ How To Walk In High Heels video
- About Photos at My Parties
- Complimentary Domina101™ Lesson
- Domain Management & Coping Tools
- Putting The “ADULT” Back Into Adult Entertainment
Prosperity Is Plenty in 2020!

It’s disgusting that too many nasty … people even have to be told to do this.
Enjoy Life!
Always MY Pleasure, Mss Didi*
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contact Mss Didi* Blackthorn
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