Created by Mss Didi*, The Fetish League is dedicated to enhancing the value of Fetish as Therapeutic Art.
Our goal is to change the view of Fetish from the mainstream’s shameful negative to one of positive, self-growth and empowerment. As We accept Our Fetishes, We give Ourselves permission to be the best We can be in all aspects of Our lives. This is the concept of ClassicFetish™.
The Fetish League will serve as a focal point for the sharing of ideas and an educational resource to explore and learn Fetish safety and skills in classes, workshops, lectures, demonstrations, networking events and Play Parties under the guidance of qualified Members.
The Fetish League will be instrumental in healing the “fear of Fetish”.
A/all are welcome without judgment, from the Lifestyler to the newbie, to give and receive wonderful insight to the beauty and freedom of Fetish.
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Click HERE for the next ClassicFetish™ Event.