Events, News, Gifts, Contest & More!
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Domina Delights Events!
Thank You, Donors To My Birthday Charity Fundraiser!
My ClassicFetish™ Theater
Experience TOUR!
REVISIT Holiday Stress Management Tools
10 Domina101™ Tips VIDEO
How To Attend My Events
Applications Accepted
for Party Service Assistants
Welcome 2018!
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Consciousness Aware New Year!
~ New Year, New Soirees!
~ Thanks & Still Donate to My Birthday Charity Fundraiser
~ TOURING Plans ~ My Experiential Theater & More Staff, Participant & Performer Interviews & FUN Quiz
~ READ (AGAIN): Tools To Manage Psycho-Induced Stress & “Fear-Mongering”
~ 10 Domina101™ Tips VIDEO
~ ClassicFetish™ Resources
~ Stimulations
The hectic season is upon Us…
With an obviously, drunk-ass president being promoted in the media as having “health concerns” and the usual, false accusations of brown-skinned and/or Muslim people as in the Grand Central Station situation (see security video), I STRONGLY encourage you to read and re-read Tools To Manage Psycho-Induced Stress & “Fear-Mongering” below. You will be grateful that you did — and so will those who share your environment!
A Special Thank You
Many Blessings upon the donors for . And a very special thank you to the anonymous donor (public fundraising page)! Please feel free to contact Me so that I may thank you properly!
There is still time for YOU to and help build clean water wells for some of the MILLIONS of people who do not have access to clean water — no amount is too small! Please . Every amount counts and makes a difference.
New Year, New Soirees!
Domina Delights!
Well, those hurricanes are the reason that I will be in NYC a lot more often than I wanted to be this winter. So, since I must endure the chill, as always I make the best of things and I am planning ClassicFetish™ Thrills for 2018! GET EXCITED!
I’m bored with hearing the same-ol’ conversation about how folks can’t seem to find good subs or Dominants and I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is. I am going to GIVE YOU what you need to prepare to take part in different experiences from the “pimp-parties” and step up to BetterFetish™. All you need to do is be real and walk your talk.
If you’re gong to make New Year’s Resolutions, resolve to BE BETTER and have BetterFetish™!
On My Mind to create:
- Grand Audience Speed Domming™
- Domina Play Dates
- Domina101 In-Person and Webcam Workshops
- And maybe, A Full Dress Fetish Soiree (see pics) like the good ol’ days when people cared to contribute to The Scene instead of just wanting to be served by it…
Stay tuned…
UPDATE: My Experiential Theater Project Preparing For Tour
My ClassicFetish™ Experiential Theater Project has been so much fun that I’ve received requests to take it on the road! While I’m doing hurricane clean-up, I intend to continue interviews for respectful Fetish Players, performers with Fetish Skills, and voyeurs who demonstrate safety in activities! So, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to get on board and cruise (or fly) to the sun-sea-sand for a weekend as part of the festivities!
- Those chosen for travel MUST have a valid passport. Expenses will be paid (excluding departure fees and your travel to/from Our transports) and all arrangements will be finalized in writing with participants prior to departures.
- You MUST meet with Me in person before being considered for participation — My treat. Details sent to applicants.
- Strict Security protocols ALWAYS apply.
- AS ALWAYS, follow the carefully-written instructions I have taken the time to write to make sure that We proceed correctly from the very beginning.
Only cool & respectful, Fab Fetish Folks, I really mean it — you have to know how to receive and appreciate a GIFT. There are NO other events with the level of upscale excellence that I’m sharing — are you worthy of this Gift?
For an idea of what I mean by “fabulous,” check out A Few of My Party Pics.
And speaking of knowing how to receive a gift, I strongly recommend that you indulge in the quick read that benefits both Dominants and submissives alike:
How To Present yourself To A Mistress
Remember: the investment you make in your Fetish Education is directly proportionate to the quality of your fetish experience.
Along with the Fabulous Fetishists I’ve known for years, this year’s Birthday Celebrations are going to be some of My Best Events EVER!
GET The Details: My ClassicFetish™ Experiential Theater Soirees
to determine what type of participation will be the most fun for you! Have FUN with this 2-minute quiz to find your best role in My ClassicFetish™ Experiential Theater Events!
This Project is a public experience in an extremely private and exclusive environment(s).
Be advised that under NO circumstances will your application be considered without photos. Read My Photo Guarantee.
GET The Details
- I continue to interview new folks for regular and “visiting” positions in My Domain. See below.
10 Domina101™ Tips Video
I receive numerous requests for answers that I’ve already written and most of those answers are presented in My 10 Domina101™ Tips offering. So, [snark alert!] since too many folks operate with the attention span of gnats and reading more than 140 characters seems to be an issue, here’s a little video that outlines the basics. IF you want more detailed info, READ.
Tools To Manage Psycho-Induced Stress & “Fear-Mongering”
While I really do My best to refrain from political commentary, the antics of the thieving-barbarian-in-chief are enhancing the stress factor all around. You cannot help but notice the intense rise in insidious killings of Americans by Americans on American soil being repeated and repeated and repeated in the ghoul-feeding-frenzy-media (and NOT the Halloween-fun kind).
We are under attack by a non-stop, barrage of negativity on Our senses and sensibilities. So, before anyone else pops a gasket, and so that We can exercise SELF-CONTROL and BE examples of the BEST rather than the worst of Americans, here are FREE Tools to strengthen your clarity and calm.
Chill Out Training Technique: The Tapping Solution
I swear by this technique for Myself and it totally works for Me and everyone who chooses to work it. It is a physiological-neurolinguistic technique that you can learn in less than 4 minutes (see video) to instantly gain and maintain control of your emotional states. Try it for yourself! You’ll be amazed!
Subscribe To Daily GOOD NEWS Reports. I highly recommend:
- Happify is the single destination for effective, evidence-based solutions for better emotional health and wellbeing in the 21st century. Happify brings you effective tools and programs to help you take control of your feelings and thoughts with proven techniques developed by leading scientists and experts who’ve been studying evidence-based interventions in the fields of positive psychology, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy for decades.
- Daily Good. The world is full of everyday heroes and true stories of transformation. DailyGood aims to shine a light on these stories and in doing so to change the nature of our conversations. If it can spread a few smiles along the way it’s purpose is served. Readers receive a news story, an inspiring quote, and a suggested action that each person can take to make a difference in their own lives and the world around them. I look forward to receiving these emails!
- 2 of My favorite sources for good news reports are the Good News Network which has been inspiring people to be more optimistic with positive news from all over the world for more than 20 years, and Sunny Skyz which has only positive, uplifting and inspiring news stories from around the world.
- Believe it or not, several, major news organizations actually have a “good news” section. Some offerings come from The Huffington Post, MSN, Today, and Fox News… but there’s a really good probability that it’s fake news!
Opportunities for NEW submissives & FUN Assistants
NOTE: I am NOW interviewing staff, assistants, and performers for My New Venture — CLICK HERE to apply! Performers, please prepare a short video (or detailed photo montage) of your performance to show Me. Staff, please prepare check-able references. All others, see below.
I regularly offer opportunities for cool people to experience the glories of My Domain and Events by offering their services to assist Me and My Guests. I am interested in “keepers” — people who will become part of the Fetish Family and be worthy of being adored — and this is the perfect chance to test the waters! These opportunities are NOT limited to submissives. Dominants, switches, “whatevers” are encouraged to apply as long as you can respectfully pay attention and follow instructions. And if I really like you, I may invite you to spend some time with Me in the sun-sea-sand!
I cannot stress enough how important it is to approach Me properly. This is one of the primary reasons I offer My Complimentary Fetish Etiquette Guide: How To Present yourself To A Mistress for free. READ IT before you ruin an opportunity to find what you’re craving in your fetish life. Not only are first impressions lasting, they’ll cost you if you’re missing simple, subtle nuances.
Soiree Assistants & submissives (Dominas please introduce Yourselves above).
I am continuing My interviews for hardcore masochists for private and public performances, Mentee training sessions, and Play — of course! Play, Play, Play! This opportunity may include all-expense paid travel.
Please note: I have planned Personal Play Soirees for new associates to join Me and My Fetish Friends. I will not announce these Events to the public, but new folks who vibe with Me will definitely be invited for decadent delights Mss. Didi* style!
Webcam Workshops
Coming in 2018!
REMINDER: My Webcam Workshops and My Events are fundraisers for My Charities.x
Why Take These Webcam Workshops?
Well, you don’t have to — you can always read everything I’ve graciously provided for free on Although a lot of what I present in My Workshops is not written there, you can always spend even more time figuring out what else you need to know and keep your fingers crossed to search the internet to find intelligent information. If you take My Webcam Workshops, you can spend 90 minutes enjoying the condensed version of what I’ve written and more AND ask Me questions directly in real-time. Of course, you can always continue being as happy, successful, and satisfied with your Fetish situations, doing what you’re already doing… Isn’t it wonderful to have the choice? More Info…
Be certain you’re on My Mailing List for other Workshop dates and other announcements.
Currently on Ask Mss Didi*
Tips and Tools to include in your Play Bag for the safest and most excellent Play!
PAY ATTENTION! submissive Tip is a demonstration for the serious submissive to pay careful attention to instructions to make a good impression to actually have what you want. I highly encourage Dominants and submissives alike to view the ridiculous mistakes that a “wanna-sub” made which could — and should — have easily been avoided.
My recent interviews have prompted Me to generously offer a FREE section of The Superior submissive™ Webcam Workshop to alleviate a LOT of stress all the way around. Read How-To Tips for submissives: First Contact and remember that Presentation is EVERYTHING.
I recommend that you also check out The Difference Between Fetish and kink. Refer the people you encounter to this article and use these keys for ease in your Fetish experience. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
The Contents page of has summaries of the articles for more comprehensive reading. Take advantage of My Gifts of Domain Maintenance Training Techniques for BetterFetish™!
Or take a Webcam Workshop for a condensed version of My Techniques that can be found on
Anti-Stalker Resource
I was contacted by a lovely person from CallerSmart who offered some most-excellent resources to add to My article, “How To Stop A Stalker.” CallerSmart provides an excellent resource on cyberstalking and what to do if you are a victim, along with a very, cool app that helps you identify mystery callers and block those you don’t want to hear from ever again. Definitely, check it out!
If you have not already done so, PLEASE take a moment to join My Mailing List here. You can also subscribe by RSS feed — see sidebar.
ClassicFetish™ Resources
See articles at the bottom of this post.
- My Advice Column ~ Ask Mss Didi*
- My Complimentary eBook: How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress
- My Videos
- My GoddessGlide™ ~ How To Walk In High Heels video
- About Photos at My Parties
- Complimentary Domina101™ Lesson
- Domain Management & Coping Tools
- Putting The “ADULT” Back Into Adult Entertainment
Make Integrity Your Theme for 2017!
What I Want For Xmas!
Enjoy Life!
Always MY Pleasure, Mss Didi*
Join My Mailing List
contact Mss Didi* Blackthorn
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