I share this resource that I provide to My Domina101™ Trainees and give to all of My “Compliments,” which is My term for the people who are a lovely part of My Domain. I encourage Dominants to adapt it to Their requirements.
More of My Resources may be found on My Ask Mss Didi* blog.
1) I am very particular about how I want things done and design My plans for maximum efficiency and enjoyment. I do NOT wish to repeat Myself unnecessarily. I have a 3-strikes-you’re-out rule (unless you offend Me in a heinous manner where dismissal is immediate). I have patience for your evolution, but no tolerance for immaturity. I’m a Domme; not your mom.
a) I say things in a very, straight-to-the-point manner. If you’re one of those people who needs to be coddled, you will not be comfortable in My Domain.
2) THE most important thing to understand about My Domain is that Trust and Respect are given to and expected from all. My commitment is to evolving on personal, spiritual, and communal levels to enjoy the best that Life has to offer and that We can offer to Life as a Whole.
a) Don’t start none, won’t be none.
b) Offenders will be horribly punished in ways that are in no way enjoyable.
3) Instructions
a) A Domina Journal is REQUIRED for notes, instructions, etc. to be recorded. Your Domina Journal will serve as a reference and resource for excellence.
i) I recommend that you have a Travel Domina Journal and, in case you lose your travel journal, a Main-Domina Journal to keep at home to rewrite your notes of the day.
ii) Carry your Travel-Domina Journal at all times you are required to be in My presence, along with 2 writing utensils.
b) It is your duty to ensure that My instructions are fully understood, I will ask you to repeat them in your own words to ensure clarification.
c) If you are assigned a task that cannot be completed to My specifications for whatever reason:
i) Contact Me immediately for further instructions. Do NOT make decisions for Me.
ii) To avoid creating difficulties, DO NOT wait until the last minute to carry out tasks.
d) If you offer a suggestion, give full details – do not make work for Me and waste My time to have to ask for any more information to get to the next step. Such annoying needs for attention will not be tolerated.
4) Responsibilities.
a) BE PREPARED ahead of time with instructions, location and directions, etc.
b) Show up when expected and be on time.
i) Call AND text Me immediately if you are unable to make any appointment with Me and/or concerning Me. This includes running late.
ii) ALWAYS identify yourself. NEVER dare to presume I should know who you are because of your phone number, email address, etc.
c) Dress Code. Wear clean clothes; wear deodorant; do NOT wear a lot of perfume/cologne; wear basic black at functions unless otherwise instructed.
d) Loyalty. Do not share information about My Domain to anyone – period – without My express permission. Our relationship is unique and special to Us. Only those who are worthy will be invited to join Us.
5) Schedules. This is VERY important.
a) To make things easier on Us, you will receive an email reminder (from _____ and/or from Me) early Wednesday mornings to submit your schedule.
b) You are to provide your schedule (to the best of your ability) by using the form located at _______________________.
c) Weekly schedules are designed from Saturday through Friday and are due no later than 11PM on Thursday prior to the Saturday for the form you submit.
d) If there is a change to your schedule that may affect your service to Me, notify Me immediately via EMAIL (_________________) AND TEXT to _________.
6) Rewards
a) ALL rewards (Play, events, training, etc.) are earned. This is not a barter situation; your purpose is to serve My desires.
b) Best behavior is expected at all times. If you have an issue, you may discuss it with me with the goal of creating a solution. “Acting out” and other expressions showing lacks of self-control are grounds for dismissal.
i) Again, I’m a Domme; not your mom. I have no children by choice.
c) I prefer to reward and will not tolerate anyone who requires punishment of any kind. Dismissal will be imminent and public.
7) Training
a) The purpose for your training is to make My situations easier and My Domain more comfortable.
b) My goal is to offer you guidance to the fulfillment of your spirit, mind, and physical experience through your dedicated service to Me. It is your responsibility to discuss this process with Me as We go along.
c) If at any time you feel that your service to Me is not a good fit for you, you are expected to discuss it with Me. The intention is for Us both to be happy and evolving.
i) If We agree that your service to Me is no longer fulfilling, the goal is to move forward with good will for each Other.
MANDATORY REQUIREMENT: Read My Complimentary eBook: