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How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress when it becomes available
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How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress
Purchases of The Full Version to help raise funds for Mss Didi*s Charities
are available for a limited time during My Charity Fundraising Campaigns
Receive a Complimentary version below

© Mss Didi* ~
How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress is one of My many contributions to improve the state of The Fetish Scene to the best of My ability so that We can all have BetterFetish™. I was very fortunate to have lived The Lifestyle when the public Scene represented talent, skill, respect, sophistication, and class – qualities which seem to be sorely lacking on the whole these days. Too many people are “mis-educated” by the money-grubbing-trolls and the media to believe that The Scene is negative and operates on the most banal levels, whereas My Truth, and that of many other, quality Lifestylers, is The Scene is powerfully loving and giving. How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress is a guide with simple “secrets” of successful introduction and basic etiquette techniques to ensure that you are able to make a positive, lasting, impression in The Fetish Scene – whether you are Dominant or submissive or somewhere in between. It is also an excellent resource for Dominants to assist prospective submissives and those We meet on the paths of Our Fetish Journeys. It is My intention to:
- Assist the serious submissive in the often scary quest to find a Dominant to serve to Whom s/he may compliment and Who will compliment the submissive’s growth
- Offer more people My valuable knowledge in difficult financial times (see also Ask Mss Didi*);
- Offer those who are truly submissive and/or just beginning to explore their submissive expressions an invaluable resource;
- Offer Dominants a quick and easy resource to contribute to the restoration of the Beauty of The Fetish Community;
- Give The Fetish Community a powerful resource to improve conditions resulting from the negativity that plagues Us from the mainstream media and other exploiters; and
- Raise funds for My Charities.
Read more about My ClassicFetish™ Philosophy.
Although How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress is written from the Dominant Woman-submissive male perspective, it offers excellent advice for both Dominants and submissives of any gender and Lifestyle choice. The techniques described are easy to understand and implement into your daily life. Purchases of The FULL VERSION are available for a limited time during My Charity Fundraising Campaigns ~ >CLICK HERE.
Receive a Complimentary version below.
(As part of My continuous fund raising efforts and My concern for the difficulties many people are facing in today’s economy, How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress is only $9, which helps raise funds for My charities. $9 purchases a large bag of dog/cat food for the shelters and a bag of dog food for the service dog training facilities. Unfortunately, at this time, there is a new administrator heading the charity who is Fetish-unfriendly and a total waste of oxygen – but this is My experience shared with many others. Hopefully, when it becomes obvious that his presence is a detriment to charitable efforts, We will resume purchases of the Full Version of How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress and return to Our generous giving to benefit The Whole.)
For more of My Complimentary Goodies, click here.
NOTE: Your email address is required because:
- there are idiots who spam websites that offer FREE things and this is a “gateway” to protect My work, and
- We share a mutual consent that you receive My Gifts.
Access to My Updated Version To Be Announced
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