Events, News, Gifts, Contest & More!
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Happy New Year!
I’m #TakingAKnee on
inauguration day 2017 with
My “HOPE For Our Nation” Soiree
Staff, Attendant & Performer
Interviews for My New Venture
Join My “Mistress Fit” Program
How To Attend My Events
New Year Applications Accepted
for Party Service Assistants
Here We Go…
~ My HOPE Soiree January 20th
~ My EGO Moment ~> Join My “Mistress Fit” Program
~ Seriously, Please GIVE To My Charity Fundraising Efforts
~ My New Venture: Staff, Attendant & Performer Interviews
~ Domina101™: “Sticking To Your Standards” 2/2/17
~ ClassicFetish™ Resources
~ Stimulations
My HOPE for Our Nation Soiree
Friday, January 20th ~ Details TBA
What We focus on expands. I refuse to allow hostility and horror to ruin My vibes on a very sad day for Our country. In no way will I pretend that things are not insidious by faking that “maybe things won’t be so bad” as the lunatics take over the asylum. I’m #TakingAKnee on inauguration day 2017 by having a FEEL GOOD STAY POSITIVE RAISE THE VIBRATIONS WITH INTENSIFIED HOPE Soiree. We’re going to do some serious Energy Work and spread some love!
I’m arranging this Soiree (so far) to begin at Noon-ish and go on through the day and evening. Delicious food and fine beverages, good music, a little Play, and lots of laughter are on the agenda to get the Power flowing! I’ve set up a special notification list to receive details and invitations. ONLY those who are on this list will be notified.
As always, My Events are chef-catered, in a completely-private (no walk-ins), clean, and comfortable, Midtown space with an elevator — and NO cameras anywhere (which can not be said for other events around town…) And, as always, to ensure that Quality Fetishists are in attendance, ALL ATTENDEES MUST submit a complete, invitation application.
If you wish to join Us for this SPECIAL Event, please CLICK HERE for an Invitation and to REVIEW My Event Attendance Requirements.
My Ego Moment -> Join My “Mistress Fit” Program
Every now and then, I give Myself permission to slide down the evolutionary scale and dabble with creeple to put them back into their places where they belong. If for nothing else, I use these “pathetics” for My Mentoring Programs.
I recently published My Photo Shoot Preparation Techniques because I gave a few of My Mentees a photo shoot as a holiday gift (yes, I give the best gifts!) and I graciously shared My Goodies with the world. Some gruesome actually wrote this in an email to Me:
“Mss Didi, that photo you’re using is over 2 years old… perhaps, we could take [Y]ou seriously if [Y]ou had some recent photos… What happened? Did [Y]ou get fat?… It’s irritating when people use old photos…”
Normally, I would have ignored this moron, but I made her useful to demonstrate what I teach and share on My Ask Mss Didi* site with Flip-flopping Attempts to Top, Pity The Self-Loathing, and Make Rudeness Serve You, among other posts.
I wrote:
“I am only a tiny bit irritated when people use old photos when they don’t look like their photos — so few people do — and some people are still using photos taken in the 80s… I am so grateful that I don’t have to alter My photos; that I still look almost exactly the same now as I did in photos from more than 10 years ago; and that the attached photo was taken 2 weeks ago after 3 straight months of celebrating My Birthday Season and while I was not in “photo shape.” [see un-retouched photo above]
“I know that the only reason someone would go out of her way to take time that she could – and should – spend on caring for herself to say something ridiculous to attempt to insult Me is because she’s having an attack of jealousy based on what she sees in the mirror. I have compassion.
While I never stress over a few extra pounds and smoothed musculature due to partying more than exercising, it is My habit to restore My fitness levels after I finish celebrating the New Year — somewhere towards the end of January, when most people fail in their resolutions to get fit and can be encouraged by what I do. REAL Dominants create and maintain Self–Control. So, I invite you to join Me in feeling and looking fabulous with the techniques and resources I use.
“I KNOW that if you do even a tiny bit of what I offer, you will be healthier and better in every way, which will be a positive for those who deal with you, too. If you don’t, you’ll continue to be punished for and by your ego. No matter what you do, the seed has been planted in your subconscious. Much like the grain of sand to the oyster: if you evolve with it into your Truth & Beauty, you will experience a Pearl of Wisdom & Experience; if you reject evolution, you will putrefy in mind, body, and spirit. I Win either way. Good luck.”
~~> ♥ What I’ve done is an example of what I call, “Responsible Sadism” (and I am committed to finishing the revision of My original article very soon!). I believe that Sadism is an Artful Discipline that has its proper place and should not be strewn about “all willy-nilly!” When I choose to exercise My Sadistic Talents, I make certain that (1) I attend to My Karma; (2) I exercise Self-Control to respond from a Centered Place rather than react from anger, etc.; (3) what I do gives the receiver an opportunity to evolve; (4) I am at peace with what I do so that I OWN My actions and continue to be proud to be Who I Am; and (5) I make the offender useful to Me. More on Responsible Sadism to come…
Well, no surprise that I’ve heard nothing back from her and I won’t spend time speculating that her commitment to being judgmental is greater than her self-love and care because I have much better and more enjoyable things to do!
In continuing to make lizard-brain creeple useful, I share below what I gifted to her and
I invite you to join Me to get “Mistress Fit!”
I’m sharing some of My favorite fitness goodies with the worthy — and even, the unworthy — because when people feel good, they look good and they are BETTER in every way! Since there are multitudes of options for personal training available, you can find a professional (DO research their credentials; ask for references and speak to the referrers; and discuss your goals with a timeline plan) for personal attention. In the meantime, you can find a plethora of information and options to get and stay on track with your fitness, health, and wellness.
Some of My favorites:
- The DoYogaWithMe website is truly one of the best ways to learn and practice yoga! There are FREE videos for every level and an extensive resource section. If you’ve never liked yoga before (it was probably your instructor), this site will give you a renewed inspiration to indulge in not only one of the best, total-body (including organs and glands) maintenance programs, but the only modality that I know of that tones skin, too!
- Knowing where your muscles, bones, etc. are in your body and how things work significantly improves your ability to achieve better results with your fitness activities. I use this site for several of My BDSM Technique & Safety Training Workshops (especially for BDSM Anatomy 101™): The BioDigital Human is “an interactive 3D map of the human body [that] makes it easy to visualize data, anatomy, disease and treatments in any web or mobile application.”
- A DANCE a day keeps the blues away! Let Us give thanks for YouTube because every type of music, style, technique, “spot-training,” time allotment, fitness level specifics, etc. can be found just by searching! (The more specific your search, the better results you will have.) And there are so many wonderful instructors of every size, shape, etc. who offer their time and joy to help Us get and stay fit! So, if you don’t want to watch some little-aerobic-bunny telling you to go for the burn, there are people who will appeal to your comforts offering workouts, too! Search by music genre, time, dance style, and definitely search, “For Dummies.” Check out these DANCE searches:
~ 10 Minute Dance Exercise Workout
~ Country Dance Exercise Workout – Yeeehaaaah!
~ Soul Dance Workout – this is one of My favorites because the search yields a multitude of results including Bollywood, seniors, Latin, and Reggae!!!
Try something new and HAVE FUN!!!!
- IF you’re feeling sociable while I’m in NYC over the next few weeks, I intend to check out a bunch of fitness techniques that I haven’t tried yet and/or have tried and love (especially, Aerial Yoga)! Having a fitness buddy is always more fun than trying new, fitness adventures on your own. Care to and a cocktail or tea after? Gentlemen welcome, too!
My Charity Passion
Cell Phone Service for Deserving Students
Did you have good holidays and receive gifts that you wanted? Are you expressing #Gratitude for how fortunate you are?
People ASK Me for things all of the time and I help because I CAN. I don’t ask for anything in return, and many of the things I give charitably will cost quite a bit of money from others. I make Myself available to assist people in organizing their own fetish events; I give My Advice for FREE; I even make it possible for folks with budget considerations to attend My high-end Soirees. So, when I ASK for donations to My Charities, I would like some consideration for My cause and appreciation for how generous I am to you.
As I’ve mentioned, I am delighted to say that My Team and I kept The Promise to provide a summer of cellphone service to 100 high school graduates from challenging circumstances! AND, We are successfully continuing the program through January 2017!
By not having to worry about paying their cellphones from graduation through the end of 2016, these students were able to put their focus and finances on successfully completing their first semesters of college.
As January is usually a tough, budget month, help Me celebrate the New Year with perks to these deserving, young people who are on their way to making stellar contributions to The World!
Please make a donation to the cause — $40 will give 1 month of cellphone service for one of these deserving, young people and there are other (budget conscious) options to help Us get them on to a good start in the New Year!
Please click here to give your gift! Thank you! I will appreciate your generosity!
Opportunities for NEW submissives & FUN Assistants
NOTE: I will interview staff, assistants, and performers for My New Venture very soon… Performers, please prepare a short video (or detailed photo montage) of your performance to show Me. Staff, please prepare check-able references. All others, see below.
I regularly offer opportunities for cool people to experience the glories of My Domain and Events by offering their services to assist Me and My Guests. I am interested in “keepers” — people who will become part of the Fetish Family and be worthy of being adored — and this is the perfect chance to test the waters! These opportunities are NOT limited to submissives. Dominants, switches, “whatevers” are encouraged to apply as long as you can respectfully pay attention and follow instructions. And if I really like you, I may invite you to spend some time with Me in the sun-sea-sand!
I cannot stress enough how important it is to approach Me properly. This is one of primary reasons I offer My Complimentary Fetish Etiquette Guide: How To Present yourself To A Mistress for free. READ IT before you ruin an opportunity to find what you’re craving in your fetish life. Not only are first impressions lasting, they’ll cost you if you’re missing simple, subtle nuances.
Soiree Assistants & submissives (Dominas please introduce Yourselves above).
I am continuing My interviews for hardcore masochists for private and public performances, Mentee training sessions, and Play — of course! Play, Play, Play! This opportunity may include all-expense paid travel. Hardcore Masochists APPLY HERE
Please note: I have planned Personal Play Soirees for new associates to join Me and My Fetish Friends. I will not announce these Events to the public, but new folks who vibe with Me will definitely be invited for decadent delights Mss. Didi* style!
Webcam Workshops
Coming Soon!
REMINDER: My Webcam Workshops and My Events are fundraisers for My Charities.x
Why Take These Webcam Workshops?
Well, you don’t have to — you can always read everything I’ve graciously provided for free on Although a lot of what I present in My Workshops is not written there, you can always spend even more time figuring out what else you need to know and keep your fingers crossed to search the internet to find intelligent information. If you take My Webcam Workshops, you can spend 90 minutes enjoying the condensed version of what I’ve written and more AND ask Me questions directly in real-time. Of course, you can always continue being as happy, successful, and satisfied with your Fetish situations, doing what you’re already doing… Isn’t it wonderful to have the choice? More Info…
Be certain you’re on My Mailing List for other Workshop dates and other announcements.
Domina101™ Mentoring Group in NYC & On The Web
Next Session 2/2/17: Sticking To Your Standards
Ever notice that when You say You want someone who is “financially responsible,” the h8ters go overboard with the make-wrongs to call You a gold-digger? That tactic is designed to take their focus off of being losers to attempt to harass You for not allowing them to take from You — while offering little-to-nothing. Especially now with lizard-brains in power, the biggest of losers will always emulate the worst of behaviors. You will need to clearly define Your standards and know how stick to them in stress-free ways.
The Domina101™ Collective Training via webcam and in person in NYC is in full swing! Enjoy a comfortable environment to learn, to share, and make personal connections to support Your Dominance. For more information, please read and Join Us!
Currently on Ask Mss Didi*
My Photo Shoot Preparation Techniques
This gift is what I offer to participants of My Photo Soirees to prepare and create an excellent experience to gain the benefit of more usable photos from the shoot.
There are links to resources about model releases that you should definitely review.
PAY ATTENTION! submissive Tip is a demonstration for the serious submissive to pay careful attention to instructions to make a good impression to actually have what you want. I highly encourage Dominants and submissives alike to view the ridiculous mistakes that a “wanna-sub” made which could — and should — have easily been avoided.
My recent interviews have prompted Me to generously offer a FREE section of The Superior submissive™ Webcam Workshop to alleviate a LOT of stress all the way around. Read How-To Tips for submissives: First Contact and remember that Presentation is EVERYTHING.
I recommend that you also check out The Difference Between Fetish and kink. Refer the people you encounter to this article and use these keys for ease in your Fetish experience. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
The Contents page of has summaries of the articles for more comprehensive reading. Take advantage of My Gifts of Domain Maintenance Training Techniques for BetterFetish™!
Or take a Webcam Workshop for a condensed version of My Techniques that can be found on
Anti-Stalker Resource
I was contacted by a lovely person from CallerSmart who offered some most-excellent resources to add to My article, “How To Stop A Stalker.” CallerSmart provides an excellent resource on cyberstalking and what to do if you are a victim, along with a very, cool app that helps you identify mystery callers and block those you don’t want to hear from ever again. Definitely check it out!
If you have not already done so, PLEASE take a moment to join My Mailing List here. You can also subscribe by RSS feed — see sidebar.
ClassicFetish™ Resources
See articles at the bottom of this post.
- My Advice Column ~ Ask Mss Didi*
- My Complimentary eBook: How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress
- My Videos
- My GoddessGlide™ ~ How To Walk In High Heels video
- About Photos at My Parties
- Complimentary Domina101™ Lesson
- Domain Management & Coping Tools
- Putting The “ADULT” Back Into Adult Entertainment
Make Integrity Your Theme for 2017!
Enjoy Life!
Always MY Pleasure, Mss Didi*
Join My Mailing List
contact Mss Didi* Blackthorn
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