Events, News, Gifts, Contest & More!
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Get Ready News!
New Twist on My New Events
Prep For NEW Soirees (I Mean It!)
Really READ: How To Attend My Events
Domina101™ Workshop Soiree LIVE
10 Domina101™ Tips VIDEO
The Vetting of Undesirables
No Regrets ~ Ask Mss Didi*
New Applications Accepted
for Party Service Assistants
Something Different!
~ New Soirees & New Locales
~ Seriously, PREPARE for My New Soirees (idiot-free zone)!
~ Domina101™ Workshop Soiree Live & In Person
~ The Vetting of My Domain
~ “No Regrets: How To” ~ Ask Mss Didi*
~ ClassicFetish™ Resources
~ Stimulations
Well, it’s finally Spring and I’m ready for a multitude of flings!
Check out the slideshow below!
Let’s Get Right To It…
Most people have absolutely NO idea what My life is like. Most folks these days fall into 2 categories: (i) the lust-ers who are busy fantasizing that My every day is full of BDSM and whatever their kink is and (ii) the h8ters who are wishing ill-will from their level of jealousy and mediocrity. Their focus is only on what they want from Me while offering absolutely nothing to Me… not even a little, vision of beauty.
So, I am extremely particular about with whom I want to Soiree — especially when I do all of the work and incur all of the expense to produce fabulous events.
I’ve made it quite clear that I do not want any trump supporters at any of My Events or anywhere near Me. The same way the barbarians feel they have the right to be racists, sexists, every-kind-of-ismists, I exercise My Rights to Maintain MY Domain MY Way — especially since MY Domain is not any kind of pretense of a democracy.
But, as We know, barbarians believe they have the right to invade, intrude, and acquire what is yours (they still call it “manifest destiny”) and take the credit for what you’ve created. Yet, in true, punkazz fashion, they always whine and play victim when their sense of self-righteousness is offended.
So My last issue of My Newsletter was dedicated to Black History Month and as expected:
12% of My Mailing List unsubscribed — had I known it was that easy to get rid of barbarians, I would have dedicated a lot more to Blackness a lot sooner!
- A few idiots actually emailed Me to say that I shouldn’t be so political because I might offend people… But they have nothing to say about statues of slavers and confederate flags on state capitol buildings offending the descendants of slaves…
- And a few truly-idiotic people, while pretending to care for Me, told Me not to be so political because I’m not really Black — yes, they said that. The real horror is that this has happened to Me many, many times and they always “get offended” when I tell them how they’ve just offended Me. I wrote about this phenomenon — CLICK IMAGE to peruse.
- One of the main morons I never want to see again contacted Me to say he’s waiting for Me to write good newsletters again… So, I left the last issue of My Newsletter up for 2 months. And just before publishing this issue, I sent him a schedule of Women’s History Month events before I personally removed him from My Mailing List.
So, if you’re new here or if you are offended that I will continue to “be political” for My Rights, My history, and the rights of those who also deserve quality of life, you should . From now on, I will continue to raise the level of education of Black History & Present and Women’s Herstory in My Newletters. The crème de la crème who deserve to be in My Domain will rise to the top in appreciation.
New Event Adventures
REMINDER: My Events are fundraisers for My Charities
I want MORE new, fun subs and Divas to Play with this summer so let’s get things going! My next Event will be an experiment in a new venue situation. I maintain that the best way to try something new is to have a party with it! It’s time for a:
- Grand Audience SpeedDomming™ Soiree, an invitation only event with 1-to-1 interviews, hors d’oeuvres & mellow beverages, conversation, and perhaps, a bit of Play in a lovely, comfortable, private environment. The intimidation factor is alleviated by beauty, comfort, and amity; and a
- Domina101™ Workshop Soiree with a how-to segment (see video below) and socializing! It’s challenging to be a Woman and being a Domme can get quite lonesome with a lack of contemporaries wherever You frolick. This Event is designed to gain a bit of perspective on Domain Maintenance and to meet other Dominas to develop supportive and fun associations — especially to Play with at Domina Play Dates!
Both Events will be held in Midtown NYC near all transportation because there should be minimal effort to one’s fun.
- Strict Security protocols ALWAYS
- READ How To Prepare For My Soirees below because if you don’t and you aggravate Me with stupidity when I’ve taken the time to clearly write and make information easily available, you’ll have only yourself to blame.
Before We get started, I’m giving YOU the chance to CHOOSE THE DATES THAT WORK FOR YOU to Soiree! HURRY! Party season is upon Us with graduations and weddings coming up… Isn’t it lovely to have choices? Isn’t it lovelier to have someone care about you in your Fetish Fun?
Take the Soiree Survey
PREPARE For My New Soirees!
DO THE MINIMAL AMOUNT OF WORK required to be able to attend My Soirees. I take the time and utilize My valuable energies and skills to create EXCELLENCE and I will not permit anything or anyone with less than excellent intentions to attend any of MY Creations.
- I create My Events for what I like and want. I invite worthy people to attend what I create. In other words, it’s not all about you. IF you want your fetishes addressed, you can contact Me to discuss engaging My Event Design skills to create the fun to your specifications.
- WORTHY people are well-mannered; have social skills; follow MY Rules for MY Events; and get invited to future fabulousness. Even if you are all of these, it is always good to check out the wonderful resources I generously provide to ensure that there are no misunderstandings:
~> My quick read that benefits both Dominants and submissives alike: How To Present yourself To A Mistress. Remember: the investment you make in your Fetish Education is directly proportionate to the quality of your fetish experience.
~> Read How-To Tips for submissives: First Contact and PAY ATTENTION! submissive Tip are designed to ensure that you make a good impression from the very beginning. And remember that Presentation is EVERYTHING.
~> And I didn’t forget about You, Dominants ~ Female and male: My 10 Domina101™ Tips (see video below) will assist You in releasing the frustration that comes from the submissive vs. substandard irritations to clearly recognize the true value of the submission being presented (or more quickly see when it is not…)
- I recommend that you also check out The Difference Between Fetish and kink. Refer the people you encounter to this article and use these keys for ease in your Fetish experience. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
10 Domina101™ Tips Video
I receive numerous requests for answers that I’ve already written and most of those answers are presented in My 10 Domina101™ Tips offering. So, [snark alert!] since too many folks operate with the attention span of gnats and reading more than 140 characters seems to be an issue, here’s a little video that outlines the basics. IF you want more detailed info, READ.
Opportunities for NEW submissives & FUN Assistants
I regularly offer opportunities for cool people to experience the glories of My Domain and Events by offering their services to assist Me and My Guests. I am interested in “keepers” — people who will become part of the Fetish Family and be worthy of being adored — and this is the perfect chance to test the waters! These opportunities are NOT limited to submissives. Dominants, switches, “whatevers” are encouraged to apply as long as you can respectfully pay attention and follow instructions. And if I really like you, I may invite you to spend some time with Me in the sun-sea-sand!
I cannot stress enough how important it is to approach Me properly. This is one of the primary reasons I offer My Complimentary Fetish Etiquette Guide: How To Present yourself To A Mistress for free. READ IT before you ruin an opportunity to find what you’re craving in your fetish life. Not only are first impressions lasting, they’ll cost you if you’re missing simple, subtle nuances.
Soiree Assistants & submissives (Dominas please introduce Yourselves above).
I am continuing My interviews for hardcore masochists for private and public performances, Mentee training sessions, and Play — of course! Play, Play, Play! This opportunity may include all-expense paid travel.
Please note: I have planned Personal Play Soirees for new associates to join Me and My Fetish Friends. I will not announce these Events to the public, but new folks who vibe with Me will definitely be invited for decadent delights Mss. Didi* style!
Webcam Workshops
Coming Soon!
REMINDER: My Webcam Workshops and My Events are fundraisers for My Charities.x
Why Take These Webcam Workshops?
Well, you don’t have to — you can always read everything I’ve graciously provided for free on Although a lot of what I present in My Workshops is not written there, you can always spend even more time figuring out what else you need to know and keep your fingers crossed to search the internet to find intelligent information. If you take My Webcam Workshops, you can spend 90 minutes enjoying the condensed version of what I’ve written and more AND ask Me questions directly in real-time. Of course, you can always continue being as happy, successful, and satisfied with your Fetish situations, doing what you’re already doing… Isn’t it wonderful to have the choice? More Info…
Be certain you’re on My Mailing List for other Workshop dates and other announcements.
Currently on Ask Mss Didi*
Tips on how to get over being your own worst enemy by focusing on what coulda-shoulda-woulda been.
Tips and Tools to include in your Play Bag for the safest and most excellent Play!
PAY ATTENTION! submissive Tip is a demonstration for the serious submissive to pay careful attention to instructions to make a good impression to actually have what you want. I highly encourage Dominants and submissives alike to view the ridiculous mistakes that a “wanna-sub” made which could — and should — have easily been avoided.
Enjoy a FREE section of The Superior submissive™ Webcam Workshop to alleviate a LOT of stress all the way around. Read How-To Tips for submissives: First Contact and remember that Presentation is EVERYTHING.
I recommend that you also check out The Difference Between Fetish and kink. Refer the people you encounter to this article and use these keys for ease in your Fetish experience. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
The Contents page of has summaries of the articles for more comprehensive reading. Take advantage of My Gifts of Domain Maintenance Training Techniques for BetterFetish™!
Or take a Webcam Workshop for a condensed version of My Techniques that can be found on
Anti-Stalker Resource
I was contacted by a lovely person from CallerSmart who offered some most-excellent resources to add to My article, “How To Stop A Stalker.” CallerSmart provides an excellent resource on cyberstalking and what to do if you are a victim, along with a very, cool app that helps you identify mystery callers and block those you don’t want to hear from ever again. Definitely, check it out!
If you have not already done so, PLEASE take a moment to join My Mailing List here. You can also subscribe by RSS feed — see sidebar.
ClassicFetish™ Resources
See articles at the bottom of this post.
- My Advice Column ~ Ask Mss Didi*
- My Complimentary eBook: How To Properly Present yourself To A Mistress
- My Videos
- My GoddessGlide™ ~ How To Walk In High Heels video
- About Photos at My Parties
- Complimentary Domina101™ Lesson
- Domain Management & Coping Tools
- Putting The “ADULT” Back Into Adult Entertainment
Elevate Your Esteem In 2018!

This is a real still from a Disney movie.
Enjoy Life!
Always MY Pleasure, Mss Didi*
Join My Mailing List
contact Mss Didi* Blackthorn
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